Dragonfly Cars 

What Makes Us Better?

  • No substitute for hands-on experience – buying and selling thousands of cars with our own money creates wisdom that can’t be duplicated any other way.
  • Traditional third party remarketers mark up everything – transportation, keys, repairs, details, sale fees, etc. Their per-car fee is only a small part of the true cost.
  • Less layers – the on-the-ground expert is the person you’re dealing with.
  • We integrate with your processes instead of making you integrate with ours.
  • Tested versus a leading third party remarketer – At a previous finance company, we created a test with a third party remarketer, where we mirrored our portfolio and let them remarket it. At the end of the test, my in-house results recovered over 10% more principal balance than the outside remarketer, which in the case of our portfolio was around $2 million dollars of additional recovery annually.
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